2 weeks and counting!
**tap tap** Is this thing still on? I don't ever post to this blog, but I wanted to try and get better at it! So here goes nothing!

If you follow along on our Instagram, than you know we leave for Africa in 2 weeks from today! I've been busy getting things together and ready to pack. The back of my trailer has turned into pack to Africa central. Haha! I wanted to share some of the things I've gotten to entertain my kids, but first I thought as a Thank You for being here, I'd share a freebie!
I quickly designed this Airport Scavenger Hunt for my kids to do while during each of our layovers. I thought it would be a fun thing to share if other families will be traveling during the holidays.
Click on the image to download Ü
If you download it, tag us on social media so we can see your fun with it! If you want to see the chaos in my trailer and follow along as I pack us up and we head out, be sure you're following our Instagram