We've Got Some Exciting News!

After MANY years (like my whole life) through lots of prayers and love, we've made the decision to adopt. Something I have wanted to do my entire life, and something we've talked about since we started dating in high school! We've been lead to adopt from Liberia, Africa. We all are so eager to begin our journey and complete our forever family. Thank you for your support and love as you follow along with us.
Make sure you subscribe and follow our social media, to stay up to date as we take you through our process. From what has led my heart to want to adopt from a very young age, to why now, to why Liberia and through the process of International Adoption. We've chosen an agency, been approved and are now in the home study process. We hope you'll stick around and enjoy learning about us, and with us as we try to get through all this paper work and bring our little guy home to his forever family. Thanks for being here, we're grateful for you.