This is the **INSTANT DOWNLOAD** you'll need to do the shopping for the products to pull off each idea, shopping list included so you know what you'll need Ü
I know the holidays are the busiest for most of us, when Elf on the Shelf first became a big thing, my Husband and I loved to get creative each night. Fast forward 8 years and we're still doing it for our youngest two kids, but now it's turned into a last minute thing, or several nights of waking up in a panic hoping my hubby moved him because I hadn't. Haha!
This year I decided to help us out, as well as you, and made an Elf on the Shelf kit! It comes with 24 nights of ideas, plus 3 bonus nights. The download will include the shopping list and all printables you'll need to pull it off. Let me help take a little of the holiday stress away from you this year. As a bonus, you're helping us get the funds we need to bring our little guy home from Africa! Every penny of your purchase goes towards our adoption costs. So thank you for your support!
Happy Elf Hiding!
**Elf on the Shelf Not Included**
Download Includes:
Shopping List for Items
All tags and printables for each idea where needed
Instructions for each night
Page of photos to help with set up or spark your own creativity
PLEASE share your Elf's shenanigans and tag us on your social media accounts! We'd love to see all the different elves and what they're up too! @to.africa.and.beyond